Since 2013 China have been advertising the One Belt One Road initiative, a scheme to join a network of roads, ports, railways and other links from East China through Southeast and South Central Asia to Europe. This belt of land based links is paired with the Maritime Silk Road, which stretches from Australia to Zanzibar.…
Following on from our drone article last month, it has recently been announced that a drone the size of a Boeing 777 airliner could soon be launched by a start up firm in California. A prototype will be tested this summer after which all being well a full scale version will be launched in 2020.…
According to a new study, motorists who rely on computer navigation devices do in fact “switch off” part of their brain in the process. A University College London team took 24 volunteers on a two-hour walking tour of Soho, then asked them to “drive” a computer-simulated car through the area’s narrow streets the following day.…
In the current economic climate post Brexit, leaving the EU means that foreign relations have become more important than ever. Here are our 6 top tips for importing goods from China… 1. Ensure that the goods are permitted in your country, and that they are correctly classified. International trade is heavily regulated, and Supreme Freight…
New London Gateway services are now available to and from the Far East in the wake of big changes in shipping alliances. The recent changes are affecting the location and timing of many international shipments, one of the notable benefits however is that the London Gateway now has deep seas connections for the first time.…